On a road trip miles from home, this anagram-happy, washed-up child prodigy has ten thousand dollars in his pocket, a bloodthirsty feral hog on his trail, and an overweight, Judge Judy-loving best friend riding shotgun-but no Katherines.
Colin is on a mission to prove The Theorem of Underlying Katherine Predictability, which he hopes will predict the future of any relationship, avenge Dumpees everywhere, and finally win him the girl. Love, friendship, and a dead Austro-Hungarian archduke add up to surprising and heart-changing conclusions in this ingeniously layered comic novel about reinventing oneself.
(Book synopsis taken from Barnes & Noble website @ www.bn.com.)
INTERVIEW WITH AUTHOR (Hint: Hank is John Green's brother):
3. This is one of my favorite books from John Green. I thought it was really funny, and I can't wait to meet Mr. Green when he comes to visit Central this fall.
I thought that this book was kind of strange, but at the same time really funny. I would recommend this to anyone who has ever been dumped or has ever been in a relationship, because it just makes you laugh at how crazy us humans act while in a relationship. I think everyone can relate to the main character Colin Singelton because he has been dumped nineteen times, ironically by all K-a-t-h-e-r-i-n-e-'s. I felt that I could really pity him throughout this book because I could feel that sense of truly loving someone, then having that person that you love break your heart. This was definately a quick read, and I would recommend it to anyone who has been in a relationship, or just wants a quick laugh.
1. I chose this book because after reading the synopsis, I thought that it was strange how one kid could have nineteen girlfriends and had them all named Katherine. So, I wanted to see what the main character, Colin, was really since he had nineteen girlfriends who all had the same name.
I chose this book because it looks very funny. It was a summer reading book this summer and I heard from several people that it was a great book. Many people recommended it to me so I decided to read it myself. Also John Green will be coming to our school in November and I thought I should read something of his before he speaks to us.
I chose the "Abundance of Katherine" because it seemed like a book that would be interesting to me. I thought this because when I heard what it was about I thought it would be funny and interesting with at least a little action in it. Another reason I picked it was because I thought it would be funny to see a guy fail with 19 diferent girls all with the name Katherine.
I think I do and do not relate to the characters in the book. I think I relate to Hasan because he goes through life basically without a care in the world which I try to do in my own mind. Also in some ways I relate to Colin because I think in some ways do(not towards school and not because I like girls named Katherine) by the fact that we both seem to fall hard for some girls. Even with Lindsey in some ways or at least I used to try to be cool and haang out with the cool crowd but now I just hang out with people that I like.
I think in some ways yes and in some ways no. I say this because some of the book was good but some of it was just uninteresting. I think some girls would like the ending of how Lindsey and Colin get together and stay that way. In a guys point of view though I was dissapointed with how the therom could not predict a relationship. All in all the book was ok but not the best book I have ever read or anything. If it were to stay on the Abe list then the readers should be told the book was a read for those who like happy ending and a quick read otherwise it should not stay in my opinion.
I chose to read "An Abundance of Katherines" because I heard that it was a funny and entertaining quick read from the librarians and even some of the students. Also, the author is coming to Central so I wanted to read at least one of his books, and his book about Colin Singelton and his strange fascination with Katherines seemed interesting to me.
I chose to read this book because there were a lot of mixed reviews on it. After the summer reading, it seemed intresting so i thought i would try it out. I thought it would be a good easy read that would be funny. Being dumped 19 times by the same name is ironical. I have found to not like this book though. I need more a meaningful book, one that has a purpose. Overall i wanted to find my own opinion and read this book to find out what Colin's story was.
I chose this book because it was so highly recommended by my peers. The concept of someone dating 19 girls of the same exact name seemed interesting as well as the fact that The author is coming to our school to speak. I felt that it would be a quality read but not to in depth. Something that was just fun and quick.
The reason why i chose this book was because after the summer reading projects i got interested.There were mixed reviews on the book so i wanted to form my own opinion. Personally i am not a fan of this book, I like more in depth books that have a point and meaning behind it. I feel it is a bit excessive that Colin, the main character, has dated and been dumped by a girl that is conviently named Katherine 19 times. It has good humor and it is an easy read but i prefer more meaningful books.
I have heard great things about this book from both students and librarians who recommended this book which sparked my interest in reading An Abundance of Katherines.As well, the idea of a boy trying to apply his intelligence of mathematics to relationships and predicting their outcome created an intriguing twist between the social and scholar life. Additionally, the coming of John Green to Hinsdale Central further supported my reason for picking up one of his books and personally experiencing his works.
The anonymous comment posted on Saturday Nov. 7 was posted by me on why I chose to read the book An Abundance of Katherines
In the novel, An Abundance of Katherines, I can completely relate to Colin's constant phobia of not contributing any new intelligence to the world. I share a common fear with Colin that great grades have relatively no meaning because students are simply memorizing facts that have already been discovered. Colin, like myself, seeks to contribute new ideas that are belong to him alone instead of being a storage for previous discoveries. This is how Colin explains the difference between intelligence and genies and I hope that these constant years of schooling and memorization will manifest into a successful future.
Although so far I have yet not ceased to enjoy this novel, I can relate to the characters. Colin is an extremely intelligent boy who has been dumped nineteen times, all by the name of Katherine. That is not the situation for me. I am not as smart as him, nor have I been dumped by someone nineteen times. But what I can relate to is Colin’s quest for meaning and love. Like Colin, I like to be able to find out who I am and my purpose. Colin’s quest to find someone is also the same. Although I am not worrying about it now, i still have expectations for my future and who it looks like with. Colin's studies attitude is something i admire and soon hope to attain that same qualtiy and use it to its full potential.
I can relate to aspects of both Colin and Hassan. I relate to Colin's attitude towards school in many ways. Though I am not a prodigy by any means i have always been held to high standards as far as grades go by my parents and myself yet I never really saw the point in them. They were a way to measure personell success but in a school as competetive as Hinsdale Central, grades are almost as arbitrary as GPA. It should be distinguished by pass fail and a harder separation of classes. Also like Colin I feel that I don't know what im working towards sometimes and find it hard to put life in perspective. On another note I also share qualities of Hassan. I share his spontaneity and positive outlook on life. Though I find life can be confusing I always try and look at the positive side of things which is what Hassan does and brings a good balance to his and Colin's friendship.
There are many different characters in "An Abundance of Katherines", however I can't seem to relate to any of the characters in the book, except for Katherine XIX. Colin Singleton is a strange teenager that feels like he has to contribute something enormous to the world for the betterment of mankind. He also took his friend Hassen on a road trip to try and figure out a mathematical formula for why Katherines keep dumping him. I could never see myself taking a summer out of my life to figure out my problems or worrying about whether or not I was going to be considered a child prodigy later in life. But I can relate to the Katherines because how could you fall in love with someone that whines and anagrams dingleberries all the time.
At first, I chose this book because John Green was coming to our school. Also it was widely been recommended by both teachers and students. I then realized how creative and hilarious Mr. Green is after watching his video blogs on youtube.
I personally don't relate to any of the charaters in the book but know plenty of friends that do. Sure I've worried about contributing to the world like Colin, struggled to define myself like Lindsey, and resented my parent's nagging to do something I don't like Hassan but never to their extent. In a way, I relate to the charaters in only the basics of their problem.
I think this book is worthy to be on the Abe list because it keeps the interest of young adults with funny moments. Eventhough I don't relate to the charaters, the problems faced are similar to those that I face in one way or another. It also has a happy ending where the main charaters actually live!
Overall, I thought An Abundance of Katherines written by John Green was well written and strongly connected to my own personal life. Throughout the whole story, I thought I could personally connect with Colin due to his innate, talented ability as a student, but also with his belief of never aspiring to become a genius. Towards the beginning, Colin has been living his life in a rut, which I have too many times found myself in as well. However, the experience in Gutshot really taught me life lessons along with Colin. I thought the moral of living one's current life to the fullest instead of worrying about the future and stepping out of one's routine lifestyle provided insight and advice into my own life. I enjoyed reading from the perspective of a character similar to me and it has been the best read on the Abe list, so far.
Finishing the book an Abundance of Katherine’s, I now see why it was such an enjoyment to read. It was funny and had its quirks. I liked the book but it was not my favorite nor does it not deserve to be on the Abe list. There are much more enterta9ining books that they could have chosen. I felt like the book was relatable but to only a certain extent. Also the book didn’t have a deep meaning behind it like more books do. This book was an enjoyment to read but it does not deserve to be on the Abe list.
I relate to some aspects of both Hasan and Colin. I believe it is important to go through life in a carefree manner, and I like to make a joke out of everything. However, I seem to find myself relating more to Colin than to anybody else in this book. Colin has lots of pressure from his parents to do well in school and never seems to find his place in life. He always worries about making a difference and doing something with his life which I also find myself doing quite often. I seem to relate to many characters in the book in a minor way, but I think of myself as a blend of all their personalities.
I chose to read this book because after I read that Colin had 19 girlfreinds I immediately thought that this book would be very interesting. Another reason why i decided to read this book was because of his plan of creating an equation to figure out relatiopnships.
Even though the book had alot of characters in it, I felt that I was only able to relate to Hassan for two reasons. One of the reasons was because he always relaxing and never stressing out about things. Another reason why I felt I related to Hassan was because he's always getting yelled at by his parents for being lazy and it never rteally seems to bother him.
I strongly feel that this book deserves to be on the ABE list because of its humor and the message it details. These attributes that the book contains makes it a very nice read and it helps us learn that we cant predict the future which I think is a very important aspect in life that we should all learn/
Blog post comment #1. I chose this book due to the positive comments I received from the book presentations in the begining of the year. Also, from what I heard it is a humorous book and I am a fan of funny books. The story line seemed interesting enough to give this book a shot.
Blog post comment #2. I do and do not relate the main character, Colin in a few ways. Colin is a intelligent when it comes to math and solving/creating equations. Math is my best subject when it comes to school and I feel as if I am generally good at it. I do not relate with Colin's relationship situations. I feel it hard to believe that anyone has been in a situation like his, dumped by the same name of a girl 19 times. I also do not really know what it feels like to be let down as many times as he.
Blog post comment #3. This was an average read for myself. I would consider it a nice short read but not as interesting as I would have hoped. I was disappointed when I found out that the secret formula for dating was a failure. I thought it would of been very interesting to see the cause/effect on the world and Colin's life if the equation proved to work. I also thought the ending was a predictable, ordinary love story ending. These do not amuse me.
1. I chose this book because everyone was telling me that it is a funny book worth reading.
2. I think I might relate to Colin because I was dumped like him before. Eventhough it isn't funny when you love someone that dumps you, John Green made it really funny.
3. I think this book deserves to be on the Abe Awards list because it is really funny. John Green showed us how crazy some people on the Earth could be. Also, this book made me laugh like no other, Green made jokes about everything. I liked the ending too, poor Colin finally found new girlfriend Lindsey, and she seems like a good girl for him.
1. I chose this book because many of my peers recommended it to me as a fairly quick, fun read. After reading numerous books with underlying messages for school, I really wanted to read a book that was strictly for my own amusement. This book also got my attention because the main character and I are very close in age.
2. It is easy for me to relate to Colin because he, like many people, is having extreme relationship issues. Through his relationship struggles, Colin has been dumped many times and most of us have been involved in a break up so it is very easy to predict how he is feeling. This sense of knowing what Colin is feeling makes the book seem very real and relatable.
3. I would say that this book does deserve to be on the ABE list mainly because it is so accessible. As I have stated most people have experienced a break up and this book provides a more optimistic view on them because of the use of humor. This book was what I expected an entertaining, quick read that had a few laughs thrown in.
I do not think that An Abundance of Katherines is worthy of being on the Abe list because I found the book to be a little boring and I wish it had more action. I got tired of hearing about Colin's mathematical formula for Katherine's and I was disappointed in the end when after all the Hype about his Formula, it didn't stand to amaze him. Also I thought that Colin was an odd kid who I couldn't connect to because of his constant anagramming and complaining about wanting to be a genius, and doing something great. And even when they got to Gunshot I still felt that the plot was lacking some well needed entertainment, besides the humor Green added in. Overall I just got bored with the book and was disappointed in a supposedly good read.
The book An Abundance of Katherines deserves its place on the Abe list. This book was at times very humorous and kept me reading it to the end. It is an easy book to relate to for high school students, and delivers a good message in a clever story. The message of the story is one that makes you focus more on the now than on predicting the future.
1. I chose this book because i had heard that it was a quick read that was a good book too. I also enjoyed listening to Mr. Green talk when he came to our school which influenced my decision to read it.
If i related to anyone in this book i think that i would relate to Hassan. i believe this because Hassan is a goofy guy who enjoys himself. he is also very lazy, which is similar to me.
Overall i believe that this book does belong on the abe list. It was a book that was an easy read but at the same time i really enjoyed reading it. It had some very funny moments which i enjoyed and it was something that i enjoyed picking up and spending an hour reading
I chose this as a summer reading book because it looked like a light summer read. this was exactly what the book turned out to be. The adventures Colin and his friends have on their roadtrip are entertaining. The charecters especially Colins best friend are quite entertaing. Although a little boring at parts this is a fun quick read. If you have been in relationships that ended badly in the past or are just looking for a light read this is a good book for you.
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