Sterling is a small, ordinary New Hampshire town where nothing ever happens -- until the day its complacency is shattered by a shocking act of violence. In the aftermath, the town's residents must not only seek justice in order to begin healing but also come to terms with the role they played in the tragedy. For them, the lines between truth and fiction, right and wrong, insider and outsider have been obscured forever.
Josie Cormier, the teenage daughter of the judge sitting on the case, could be the state's best witness, but she can't remember what happened in front of her own eyes. And as the trial progresses, fault lines between the high school and the adult community begin to show, destroying the closest of friendships and families.
I chose this book because I enjoyed twilight and the librarian said it is a lot better than twilight. Also, because it’s a sequel about fairies and vampires that would constantly keep me interested.
Genesis Smith
Saunders Period 1
English 3
I chose this book because my mom had already read the book and said that it was a must read. I also choose this book because of the twist and turns that are bound to take place in a book that is related to events that happen in high schools and colleges around the United States.
Jackie Gutman
Saunders period 1
English 3
I chose this book because it looked very interesting, and the teachers reccommended it. It sounded like a really good, serious book that i would like nto read.
Christian Wagner
Saunders 1
English 3
I chose this book because I felt like it really wouldn't be boring at all. I heard from people who have read it that it has parts involving the law and I thought that would be interesting along with the main story line. I also heard that Jodi Picoult is a good author, so I knew that this book would be worth reading.
Katie Tarman
Timmons 6/8
I chose this book because I have read My Sister's Keeper, which is by the same author, and today it is still one of my favorite books. I also thought that this book would have many different views on what had happened in the high school and it would be interesting to read it from each characters perspective. It seemed like a geniunely good book and it may shape my opinions on others differently in the future.
Valerie Paganessi
Timmons Period 4/5
English 3
I chose to read this book because it seemed much more serious than the other ABE books. It dealt with a tragedy that is applicable to our current society. I was interested in the drama this book presented. It seemed very different than the others
Wil Penn
Timmons Period 1
After reading this book I have decided that I am not like the characters in this book. Sure at times I feel very insecure, but with me, I have not experienced what either Josie or Peter have. Josie feels that she needs to become whatever person she needs to be to impress certain people. For me I feel that the best way to go in life is to just be yourself and you will have friends who accept you for who you are with all your flaws. As for Peter, I have never actually been an outcast, and sometimes I would feel bad for him, but then I look back and I think about how hard he actually tried to make friends, because there is always someone out there who is just like you. So in the end, I have decided that I do not relate to the characters in my book.
Jackie Gutman
Saunders Period 1
English 3
I believe that this book is worthy of being an Abe book because it illustrates what could happen to teens who are insecure. After reading the book it seems as if Peter is the only one who is insecure, but that is wrong, Josie is just better at hiding her insecurities. I believe that students should have the option to read this book because it highlights a new perspective on what could happen if they dont deal with their problems right away, which is why I believe that this book should be ranked or honored like it is for the Abe book awards because then people will read this book and reflect on their own lives and change them if needed.
Jackie Gutman
Saunders Period 1
English 3
I chose this book because my best friend recommended it to me. She read it and said that it was one of those books that you will never want to put down because you need to know what happens next. Also, I’ve heard really great things about the author, Jodi Picoult. I feel like I will never be bored with this book and I will enjoy reading it.
One of my good friend's mom had read this book and had advised me to read earlier. When I saw it on the list I thought that it must really be good. Also, I absolutely love Jodi Picoult. I have read The Tenth Circle and The Pact by her. Those are both some of my favorite books so I figured this one would be excellent as well.
I chose this book because i have always enjoyed Jodi Picoult's books. My mom and my sister both read the book and they both enjoyed it a lot. I also chose this book because it could probably relate to many teenagers and they don't even realize it.
I can not really relate to the main characters in this book because they go through an awful experience that I have never had to go through. What they go through is a once in a life time experience that should never have to happen to anybody, but unfortunately it happens to them. In the book, a shooting occurs at the high school and some students are killed. The main characters, Josie Cormier and Peter Houghton are obviously deeply affected by this in different ways, and I can not relate to how they feel after the shooting takes place. Before the shooting, however, I would say that I can somewhat relate to Josie, but I still can not relate to Peter. I can relate to Josie because she is a teenage girl attending high school who has to face the same kind of pressures that I have to face every day at school. However, Josie and I are very different in the way that we deal with those pressures because she lets what other people think affect her decisions, which is usually not the right decision and can end up bad in the end, and I do not let what other people think affect the things I do and the decisions I make.
(#2) I don't think I can say I can really relate to the characters in this book because I've never experienced anything this devastating. The only way I can kind of relate is because I've lost a family member before, but I was pretty young so I wouldn't consider it anywhere near as traumatic as the deaths in the book.
After reading this book, i have decided that i do not relate to the main characters. Unlike Josie, i do not feel the need to please other people and i usually always act myself. I also do not relate to Peter becuase although I don't conform to everything and try to impress everyone, I am also not an outcast.
I don't really relate to any of the characters in the book because they have gone through a traumatizing experience and I have never experienced something that can compare. I believe the auther, Jodi Picoult, really sets up the emotions throughtout the book well because while reading the book I feel almost as if I experienced the school shooting as well.
Valerie Paganessi
Timmons 4/5
English 3
I have a hard time relating directly to the main character in the book. I personally have never been bullied or bullied someone to the point where they committed an act of terror in response. Many of the examples of bullying seem very extensive and unrealistic, but maybe I have just never been exposed to this quality of bullying.I can relate to how peter has met some people who treat him nicely. Unlike matt who encourages others to bully him. I could never imagine relating to someone who was involved in a highschool shooting as depicted in this boook.
Wil Penn
Timmons 1, English 3
Yes, I definitely think this book was worthy of being on this year’s Abe list because it is, in my opinion, one of the best books of the year. This book deserves this honor because not only is it a very well-written book, it is also a very intriguing story to read. It is especially cathchy to students in high school because it is centered on a high school and students from the high school, so it is easy to relate to. Additionally, the author, Jodie Piccoult, is one of the best young teen fictional writters of this generation. She has written so many famous books and this one is definitely high on her list of best books. I have read many books that she has written, always expecting a great story, and none of them have ever seemed to fail me. In this book especially, there is so much passion and fire in her writing; it is one of those books you never want to put down. Furthermore, Piccoult’s style of writing is very unique compared to most books. This really catches the reader’s attention and makes it an enjoyable book to read. To conclude, this book really deserves to be on this year’s Abe list because it is easily one of the best books of the year.
After reading this book, i believe that it was worthy of being on the Abe list. This story focuses on the events leading up to and following a high school shooting. It also shows the different perspectives of what exactly happened. I thought this book was enjoyable because it was seroius but intriguing at the same time. Some students can also relate to some characters, like Josie, before the shooting occured.
1) I decided to read this book because the plot was very intriguing and I wanted to read more about it. It seemed interesting because of the act of violence could change such a small town.
2) I can't relate to any of the characters because Peter Houghton is an offender who shot and killed ten people and injured 19 people at his school. Also, I can't relate to any of the other characters because what is happening in their town has never happened to me before.
3) This book was okay. and I guess it should be on the Abe List. It was a different book, but it took me a while to get through it because I didn't find it that interesting. However, that is just my opinion on the book.
I think this book deserved to be on this year's ABE list because it's one of the best books I've read. The size may be intimidating, but once you crack it open, the number of pages doesn't seem to stay a concern for long. It is an extremely well-written story and is one of those books that is hard to put down. It contains a lot of the factors that a good book requires; interesting characters, great story line, a connection with the reader, and overall appeal. Reading this book, I felt like I was a part of the story and could empathize with the characters like I knew them personally. It's hard for an author to connect with readers on that level, but Jodi Picoult does it easily. The format of the story was one of my favorite parts. Picoult jumps around from different time periods in the characters' lives, and yet still has it connect in a way that makes you admire her style. It does make you think, and connect the dots, but that's part of what makes this book so intriguing. I've never read a book by Picoult until this one, but it alone makes me want to explore more of her work. Nineteen Minutes is not only a heart wrenching tragedy, but it's also realistic and that makes it come to life. I definitely think this book deserved to be on the list because Jodi Picoult, in my opinion, is a genius author who has written a book that can alter your perspective on life.
This book was very appropriate for the ABE list for many reasons. It was written about a common theme that is addressed in highschool very often which is bullying. It shares a tragic story that is based off of events related to actual acts of terror that are results of the way students treat their peers. I think the book did a great job of making you think about your actions and what you say to people. you should be more careful and think before you shoot a negative comment towards someone. I think it was a good book that makes you think and earned a spot on the ABE list.
Wil penn. PEriod 1 Timmons
I believe this book is worthy of being on the ABE list because it is a very well written book and it gives insight on what it is really like to be in a situation not thought of much by high school students. I believe that every person reading this book can connect with at least one of the characters no matter what background they come from. Personally, I really connected with Josie because she is like me, a high school girl that has so much pressure put upon her not only by her mother but her peers as well. I think this book is a better read for teenagers and older ages because of the content and understanding involved in reading this book. I also love the author Jodi Picoult. My favorite book of all times is another written by her, My Sister's Keeper. Her books are very insightful and make the reader think more in depth then what's just witten on the pages.
I chose this book because my friend read it and she said it was one of her favorite books. I related to the character Josie in the book. She went through so much, the death of her boyfriend. This is definitely one of my favorite books of all time. It was a quick read and kept me interested the entire time. I would definitely recommend it.
2. I dont really believe that a relate to Peter because i dont really put up with all of the same stuff that he did, so i could never feel that anger and hatred that he did. Also, i dont know what its like to be sitting in a jail cell knowing that your are going to sentenced to life in prison for murder.
4. Overall, this is one of the best book that i have ever read. It kept me reading and it was at times very unexpecting. it was a kind of emotional roller coaster. It 100% deserves to be on the abe list and remain there for a long time. I would recommend it to anyone
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