Cousins Clay and Addison were like brothers, growing up together in the projects, until they were ripped apart by a family argument. When they are reunited in a drug-treatment program, they try to work out their issues like a family. but one night, one wrong decision, leaves Clay shaken and Addison dead. And in the rash of events that follow, the truth of what actually happened on the rooftop of the apartment building is caught up in a clash of politics and racial issues. Will Clay be able to rise above the lies and face the truth?
(Book synopsis taken from Barnes & Noble website @
I'm not much of a reader and wasn't real excited to start reading this book but i found that if i try it it can be good. I started the book and didn't take my eyes off of it until the bell rang. I'm not very far in it yet but i really enjoy it. Starting this book makes me want to read more of the recommended ABE award winning books. My favorite part of the book so far is when Addison the narrator's cousin who is in the Daytop Drug Program with him, gets stabbed after being jumped by guys who stole his drugs he was about to sell. He then went in and had missed a day of the program which you shoudn't do and didn't get into trouble. He said, him and his girlfriend had a fight and she stabbed him. I also liked recognizing the way the author had the two, Addison and the narrator as best friends, to not seeing each other for many years, to becoming best friends again because of a detox program. Well enough said, i got to go read Rooftops.
I chose to read Rooftop as my book to read because it looked very interesting. I love to read about mystery and crime so this is a great book for me. It also looks like an easy read that tells a great story with it. i read the back of the book and learned that this book involves crime and drug dealing which would really pull in a reader. I can not wait to read more of this book and learn all about this subject.
I chose this book because it had an interesting plot. Honestly, I also chose this book because it looked short. So far, I like the book. However, I don't feel like I relate to the characters. The characters in the book are troublesome and are addicted to drugs. I am the exact opposite of this, so it's hard to relate to how to characters feel and what they are going through. So far, I think the book is worthy of being on the Abe Award list because it has a good plot and really grabs the readers attention. I like this book most because it isn't something I would normally read and it's interesting. I dislike it because it was boring at first, but after a while there was more action.
I chose to read this book because it looked very interesting. I find inner city crime appealing. It is also a very easy read and really grabs my attention. I can't really relate to the main characters since I'm a white kid from the suburbs, but the author really puts into perspective what it's like to be an inner city african-american kid living in the projects. So far, it has been a really great book. I can't put it down.
I chose to read Rooftop because the plot seemed both interesting and easy to understand. I enjoy books that fit as many plot details as possible into few pages because they create the most greatest stories. Also, this novel reminded me of "Monster" by Walter Dean Myers, which I enjoyed. I am not too far into reading Rooftop, but it is turning out to be pretty good.
I choose to read the book because the outlines sounded good. I don't really read or ill read a book and be the first to put it down, but as i continued reasding i read from chap.1 to chap.6 my first time which is pretty rare for me, rooftops has an outline that catches my attention, the book is no doubt a guys book, but i hope as i read on ill like the rest of the novel.
I chose the book "rooftop" from the Abe book list because when going through the blog it was the one that really stood out to me. The plot involves young characters around the same age as myself that i can relate too. The book also appeals to me because the language used by the author is directed toward a younger audience. When reading this book the language used and the plot really draws me in as a reader and makes it seem like i am almost there with the characters. Its a hard book to put down and was a good choice to be on the Abe book selection
Why did I choose this particular book from the Abe list?
Rooftop By Paul Volponi, is the novel I choose to read of the off of the Abe book list because it seemed to have a significant amount of action compared to the other books presented, or summarized in this forum. This book involves two relatives who have both not seen each other since they were children and both grew up in horrible neighborhoods. They made some poor decisions and are at a correctional facility where they are trying to stop their bad habits and decisions. When this book was presented to my class in the library, my first impression was that it might be too intense with use of drugs and violence but I still decided that it was the book, which I should read. This book had me on the first couple of chapters and I enjoyed reading the book. I would definitely recommend it to one of my peers or classmates
I chose to read the book Rooftop by Paul Volponi. I chose it because it looked like a quick but interesting book. The plot drew me in quickly because the idea of a seperated family brought back together again. Even more interesting was the force back into seperation after tragedy occurs. I was really looking forward to reading about how this family dealt with drugs, racial issues, and death. All these tragedies appeared to make an interesting read.
Most of the characters in this book are hard to relate to. They live in a completely different world than me. There everyday life includes drugs, fighting for their money, rehab,and racial issues. Besides this, there is one thing that i think everyone who reads this book can relate to and that is tragedy. No matter who you are, something in your life will happen that is considered a tragedy like death. Death is always a part of life and is also a major part in this book. The main character Clay deals with the death of his cousin and his best friend, Addison. The pain he goes through is the same pain me and almost everyone else will go through in their lifetime.
Do you relate to the characters in your book? Why or why not?
The characters in this book are problem characters that grew up in a horrible neighborhood and are addicted to drugs. These characters are in a rehab physicality for their daily problems and struggles. I do not relate to these characters whatsoever because I live in a suburb and I am not drug involved. Despite the dissimilarities between the characters in this book and me, I still am able to follow their unique and corrupt personalities and life styles. Although I have no relation to these characters I enjoy reading about it and through them see how corrupt people really are in this world.
I have an easy time relating to the characters in the book Rooftop. Clay and Addison are around the same age as myself and are growing up and dealing with the same pressures that i go through. When reading the book i feel as if i could be one of their friends and i understand what they are going through. While my life situation might be different from theirs i still relate to these characters just like any other teen growing up would.
Do you think this book was worthy of being on this year’s Abe list? Why or why not?
To be on the Abe list the book must follow the subsequent guidelines; the Abraham Lincoln Readers' Choice Award is awarded annually to the author of the book voted as most outstanding by participating students in grades 9-12 in Illinois, nominated books must have been published in the last 5 years and be in paperback form. In addition, authors of nominated titles must still be living. The book Rooftop was a very quick read, which in my personal opinion and experiences makes the book more enjoyable to read, especially when you are reading the book for pleasure. Though this book can be rough and violent at times it was overall a great read, and I would recommend my peers to read this book. It should be on the Abe list because it is a thrilling and well-written book. This book meets all the requirements to be an “Abe Book” and would advocate it to be on the list for years to come. Rooftop has a great plot and characters that you can understand and follow very easily. Overall this book was one of the better books that I have read from a suggestion list at the school or from a suggestion list from a library.
I do not believe I relate to the characters in this book at all. the main character named clay lives in a black neighborhood with alot of drug problems. Most of the characters are troubled and seem to turn to selling drugs to make money. This is not me in anyway. I do believe I can relate to clays personality because he is a leader and very honest to his friends and family like I am. most of this book has characters who are extremly different from me and hard to relate to overall. I love this book but have a hard time comparing my self to the character.
The characters in this novel are difficult for me to relate to because they have grown up in a society that encourages high risk behaviors such as doing drugs. Here in Hinsdale, it is the exact opposite. I, and many others have been exposed to anti-drug programs that have taught me that using drugs is both dangerous and inadvisable. While I do not relate to the characters in this book very well, I can still visualize their experiences and can sympathize with their feelings.
In this blog i can't really relate to any of the characters. I live in a good community and don't commit crimes like them. The main characters like Addison and Clay are crime commiters. I do not do things like that and our community is way different then theres.
I chose this book because it looked like a quick and easy read. It appeared to be interesting and something I would probably enjoy, after reading the back cover. Overall it looked like an enjoyable book and I would be interested in it the entire time. Once I found out it was about mystery and crime I was very anxious to read it.
I was unable to relate to any of the characters in this book. The people I am surrounded by as well as the community is entirely different than that of the narrator. His life is surrounded by violence and drugs and lives in a very dangerous town. Meanwhile I live in a very safe and wealthy community and my problems are very different than his. The only similarity I can find is that we both deal with pressures from peers, but those pressures are dealing with entirely different situations.
I found this book somewhat enjoyable, however I dont believe it is worthy of being on the Abe's list. Overall it was a quick and easy read, but I didn't find anything extraodinary about this book. There were some interesting parts, but no major theme that stood out to me. I would categorize this book as just mediocre. I didn't look forward to reading it nor did I find myself have trouble putting it down.
1. I chose this book because it looked interesting to me. When I heard about it first time I thought it might be a good book.
2. I do not think I relate to any characters. I never had problems with drugs or met anyone like the characters in Rooftop.
3.I think this book deserves to be on the Abe list because it talks about real life that a lot of teens have to go through. It is not made up like most of the books, and "common" language is used in it. It is easy to read for young adults. However, before I finished the book I thought there would be more action in it, not just the shooting. Overall, I really liked this book because I could imagine how everything in it happened and it was easy for me to read.
Rooftop was the second Abe book I read. I chose this book because it not only deals with crime and the judicial system, but also deals with teenage struggles like friendship, loyalty, and trustworthiness. I liked how the blurb on the back said that the book deals with becoming a man. I knew that I had to read this book because, though it does not necessarily apply to my life, Clay and Addison still have many similarities with me and go through many of the same struggles. All in all, I knew this book would be very interesting and thrilling because no drug addicted teenagers life is boring.
I can relate most to Clay in this book in the sense that we both need time to come out of our shell and open up. At the beginning of this book Clay was very reluctant and scared of change. Over time he learned to deal with things and grew up a lot. I can relate to this because growing up for me is not an overnight ordeal and I cannot really do it by myself. Clay became a man through lots of help from his family and friends and that is the same way I am growing up and maturing.
I definitely feel that Rooftop deserves to be an Abe book. This book is very much like Inexcusable in the fact that it deals with very adult and mature themes. Clay and Addison have already been though more than most teenagers and were really screwed up. Clay having to deal with seeing Addison murdered is very intriguing and the way Paul Volponi describes how Clay deals with this situation is very unique. In my opinion, and Abe book is any book that has no limits and relates back to the reader while still dealing with interesting themes, which is exactly what this book does.
I think that Rooftop was definitely worthy of being on this years Abe list. Although it is a short book it is a great read. You get to know the characters very quickly and as the book progresses you relate to them very easily. The book is a page turner and i could hardly put it down at the end of each class. The book really made me think about some of today's problems in society. It was overall a great read and worthy of being on the Abe list
Yes i do believe Rooftop should be on the abe list. This book is the link from readers to a world unknown by many; the world of drugs and addiction. This book is very inspirational and can really help readers get their lives on the right track or influence them to make the right choices. Having the main character, Clay, go through so much including the death of his best friend and cousin, Adison, is a way the author is showing a real life situation that many people might normally just ignore. In everyday life we all hear about drugs and drug dealers and we just ignore them; we dont really care. This book makes you care and think abotu the feelings of the drugaddicts. For once we dont look past them because of what they do, and we learn that some of them are just like us and have the same feelings we do. Also, by just reading the story we learn the deep truth behind drungs and the many consequences and hard life situations that follow.
I think the book Rooftops was definitly worthy of being on this years Abe List. This book was extremly interesting and made me want to keep reading it. It teaches student and people who read it what life is like for poor african american families who live in bad neighborhoods. The Abes list had many good looking books but I believe that Rooftop was the most interesting and worthy of being on the list. The Abe List shows people who are looking to read a good book what to chose and which books are interesting. I believe Rooftop used its plot extremly well by showing people how drugdealers and people who are addicted to drugs get through life and make a living. I do not read that many books and Rooftop was for sure one of my favorite books to read. So overall the book does very well on the Abe list and is chosen to be read by tons of people and students at Hinsdale Central.
I relate slowly to some of the characters including Clay, and all the kids in the rehab center, not drugs wise, but problem wise. I think we all have problems that we need help with, lack of homework, studying for tests, dealing with problems at school, or at work etc.. I think I would relate mainly to clay, because he has a strong sense of whats good and what bad, he knows right from wrong. I wouldn't have made the same choices he made drug wise, but the decisions that he later made in the novel, showed greatly how he matured. Some people have dealt with a lost family member. When Clay lost his cousin Addison, most people would lose it go insane, like Addison's brother Daryl, but Clay had hatred in his heart, yet he acted humble. I immediately would have taken revenge on clorox, but later I would realize that it would only make things worse. In general I think we can all deal with Clay or any other character in the novel, because we all have problems we deal with whether it's in a novel, or in real life we all have problems.
The book definitely deserves an Abe Award, for many reasons. The Abe Award is an award chosen by student’s grade 9-12 to give an author for his novel. I can imagine that the award given to Rooftops must have been by the guys more than the girls. When I read a novel, I read the first pages, and if the novel is confusing, or just doesn’t have a good plot, I’m the first to put it down. When I started reading the book really kept my attention, from the first page I didn’t want to stop reading. It was almost as if watching a movie, you want to immediately skip to the conclusion, to see the results. The book definitely deserves the award, students would enjoy the book and they too, will see when they start reading, they can’t put the book down.
1. I chose this book because it looked like the most interesting read out of the available books in the library.
2. I was hooked in this book very early on and i have thoroughly enjoyed it. i barely new anything about these drug clinics if you will and it really helped me understand how some people can get off drugs. I was kinda shocked at first when Addison got stabbed but it ended up making the me finish the book in a few days.
3. i do not relate to these characters very much because all of them are in the daytop drug center and the only time that i have ever seen anything like that is in health.
I think that Rooftop deserves to be on the Abe Awards list because it contains many elements that would appeal to high school teenagers. Because the criteria for the Abe Awards says that the book must be voted as most outstanding by high- schoolers, I think it would receive favorable reception by that group because it is both engaging and interesting from start to finish.
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