Aislinn has always seen faeries. Powerful and dangerous, they walk hidden in mortal world. Aislinn fears their cruelty—especially if they learn of her Sight—and wishes she were as blind to their presence as other teens.
Rule #2: Don't speak to invisible faeries.
Now faeries are stalking her. One of them, Keenan, who is equal parts terrifying and alluring, is trying to talk to her, asking questions Aislinn is afraid to answer.
Rule #1: Don't ever attract their attention.
But it's too late. Keenan is the Summer King who has sought his queen for nine centuries. Without her, summer itself will perish. He is determined that Aislinn will become the Summer Queen at any cost—regardless of her plans or desires.
Suddenly none of the rules that have kept Aislinn safe are working anymore, and everything is on the line: her freedom; her best friend, Seth; her life; everything.
Melissa Marr - video powered by Metacafe
1. I choose Wicked Lovely because I thought the cover of the book looked interesting. I briefly read the back and I was pretty confused. I mean it’s not everyday you hear about faeries. So I decided to give it a try.
2. In the beginning the main character Aislinn doesn’t seem very motivated to do anything. She seems dull. But as the story went on she became a strong character. I relate to her because I also feel like I am strong. At the end she doesn’t take no for answer and she controls her own life. I know that I will always be in control of my own life.
3. Personally I wasn’t very impressed with this book. I don’t think it’s worthy of being on the Abe list. The story seems undeveloped and there seems to be a lot missing to it. You don’t get to know the characters well and I got confused a lot.
4. I did not like this book. . First off this book is trying to be fantasy, but failing at it because of lack of imagery and description. I also had many questions at the end of the book which were unanswered about the faerie world. Second, the book, the story and the characters didn’t seem believable. The ending was dull and very predicable and didn’t leave me wanting more.
Kimberly Niccolai
I chose the book because of the cover and because it was going to be a love story. I was very disappointed when I started reading the book. I was never into fantasy, but I wanted to try reading something new. The plot of the book was dull. I did not relate to any of the characters. The author didn't really do a good job helping me picture what was going on in the book. I do not think this book was worthy of an ABE award and I did not like the book. I could have predicted the ending when I was half way through the book.
Katarina Milojevic
Ms. Timmons
I liked this book. It was creepy, but in a good way. The fact that the fairies were not anything like Tinkerbell made it a better book. I was drewn to it by the lovely cover, it was just calling out to me.
I disliked it because it reminded me of so many other fantasy books that I've read. I thought it was kinda predictable though so near the end of the book I thought about not finishing it ans moving onto another instead. I wish that this author had taken out more time to be descriptive. This would not be a book that I would tell others to read, and I don't think it deserved an award.
I was drawn to this book because the cover was really dark and mysterious. I like reading fantasy books so I gave it a try. And usually when I thought of Faeries, my mind asociated it with tinkerbell, but the book was nothing like that.
I liked how this book looked. It is very eyecatching. And nobody really writes about faeries anymore. All fantasy books lately have been mostly about vampires.thats Why I picked this book.
I don't really relate to the character. She seems really sheltered and I never have been. She was predictable and the book could have been more interesting had the author taken more time to make her more willing to take risks before she met the faeries.
the book was mesnt for a person's first fantasy book. Since I've read many, I could see the ending coming a while away. This didn't deserve an award.
1. I chose Wicked Lovely because I never really read any fantasy books and I thought I would try something new. Fairies seemed a little cheesy and I personally think that reality is more interesting than fantasy but I thought I would try it.
2. Aislinn and I are similar; first of all we both are interested in art. I think I could hold my emotions in just like her if a faery was next to me because its always hard for people to read my mood by the look on my face. Aislinn fought for her freedom and if I was in her situation I would have done the same thing.
3. Even though Aislinn and I had some similarities I was not happy with the book at all. It should not have been on the Abe's list because it confirmed that I did not like fantasy books. I thought maybe a fantasy book on the Abe's list would be a good read, but I thought the plot was dull from the beginning, not to mention confusing. The prologue was very vague, and did not pull me into the story at all. The ending was lifeless and I found myself trying to skim the last pages just to get it over with. There was nothing special about Wicked Lovely that made it worthy of being on the Abe's list.
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