Even though Cammie is fluent in fourteen languages and capable of killing a man in seven different ways, she has no idea what to do when she meets an ordinary boy who thinks she's an ordinary girl. Sure, she can tap his phone, hack into his computer, or track him through town with the skill of a real "pavement artist"-but can she maneuver a relationship with someone who can never know the truth about her? Cammie Morgan may be an elite spy-in-training, but in her sophomore year, she's on her most dangerous mission-falling in love.
(Book synopsis taken from Barnes & Noble website @ www.bn.com.)
I picked this book to read because it looked like a fun read. The fact that it is about spies just makes it not a boring book and its cool because its about teens. I started to read it and i'm already starting to wonder how things are going to play out and have questions about how it will end. A lot of people have told me it is a really good book and a quick read. The fact that people my age say its a good book got me thinking that i would really like it.
I picked this book because I thought a group of girl spies would be cool even if it had many parts about love and stuff like that. I thought it would be a more eventful book with action and more spy stuff included but sadly I was mistaken. I hoped there would be alot of suspence and danger.
I picked this book because I thought a group of girl spies would be cool even if it had many parts about love and stuff like that. I thought it would be a more eventful book with action and more spy stuff included but sadly I was mistaken. I hoped there would be alot of suspence and danger.
I do not relate to the characters in the book at all. I think that I am much different from all the characters in the book because I am not a girl for one thing. Secondly, I did not know what was going on in their heads (possibly because I'm not a girl). Another, reason is because I am not a spy and could not opperate like one in ways of decite, skilled training, and the ability to opperate in such ways that were done in the book. I am just a regular boy who isn't able to function on a level the people in this book could function at.
I do believe this book was worthy of being on the Abe list this year. I liked this book in many ways. The first, reason is because it had adventure, little of it but it still included some. Secondly, the characters were an interesting mix of people and most of them played a major role in order to show a different aspect of the book. Another of which is the relationship between Cameron and Josh (for some people who like that aspect). Finally, one of the most important parts, to me, was how far these friends were willing to go to help the other ones out, they would basically do anything for each other.
I chose this particular book from the Abe list because I thought it would be really cool to read about a girl my age being a spy in a special kind of "spy high school". I also thought it would be cool to see how a girl like that who is really good at being a spy and being capable of killing people could fall in love with a boy and manage both some how. It makes me want to be a spy!
I do not really relate to the characters in this book because first of all, I am not a spy and second of all, I do not go to a spy school and I do not have spy parents. My classes don't consist of learning how to kill people in a million ways and I don't really spy on people and have exams on how to stalk certain people. The girl in the story,Cammie, is really smart and knows how to spy and kill a person in a million ways, even with a piece of dry spaghetti (as she says in the book).
I definitely think this book was worthy of being on this year's Abe list! It was really good! I had a hard time putting the book down. It's really fun to read a book about someone who has a totally different life than you, especially when the person is a spy and you are not. It is more of a girl book though...I don't think I would recommend this book to a guy, and the cover gives it away too. But girls will definitely enjoy this book! I know I did!
I really enjoyed reading this book because it is a great mix of action and pure high school drama. The main character in the book is just an ordinary girl who just happens to be going to school to be a spy and has to deal with the same drama every girl had to deal with with their first boyfriend. I think that this is a great book for any girl to read because it is action pack and very funny. i would highly recomend the book!
I chose this book because it was recommended to me by a friend who had really enjoyed it. From looking at the book I thought the cover seemed interesting and fun. I read the back cover and thought that i might enjoy it since it was about girls my age and seemed like it would be a nice, light read.
I do not relate to the characters in the book in many ways other than age. The main character, Cammie, goes to an all-girls private school that trains them as spies. Therefore it is kind of hard for me to relate to her since she speaks 14 languages and can kill a person 7 different ways with her bare hands. Also, unlike Cammie, I have never had to keep a secret because it was a matter of life or death, which is the situation she finds herself in when she starts dating Josh, the other main character. Josh is a bit more relatable simply because he leads a more normal life than Cammie. Like me, he goes to a normal school and has a fairly regular life that consists of trying to please his parents and hanging out with friends. All of these details contribute to Josh being the character that is easiest for the everyday teenager being able to relate to.
While this book was interesting enough for a quick read, I do not believe it merits being the recipient of an ABE award. I think the book lacked the depth necessary for an award-winner. The story did have a central plot, however, it was executed poorly as it did not have enough details to support it. Instead, the author haphazardly threw a bunch of words that added neither to the plot nor the overall story. I think that the author should have concentrated more on the relationship between Cammie and Josh and how that relationship affected the ones with their friends and family. The author did attempt to do this, but she never broke the surface of Cammie's feelings over her dad's death and her mother's new relationships. The author also never really delved into Josh's relationships with his friends. All she did was make it seem as if they did not get along and then just left it at that. I also thought that the description of the school and its accomplishments was overdone. The author talked about all of this technology that is very unrealistic even for the future and then has the school take credit for inventions and being the ones to stop major wars. Personally, i feel that this book is fine for just a fun read during the summer, but it lacks any of the necessary components of an award-winning book such as details that add to the plot instead of detract from it.
I chose this book originally because my friend said it was really good and entertaining. She also mentioned that it is kind of like the twilight series in the way of it makes you keep reading, and keeps you from putting it down, which made for a fast read. I do not really relate to these characters partly because I do not go to a spy school, and I don't think that I would be able to pull off all the different languages those girls are capable of. I definately would recommend this book to be on the Abe list. It was probably one of my favorite books because the characters were all really funny and had very distinct, strong personalities. I loved the scene where the girls are all hanging on the tree outside Josh's house stalking him and his family to see what kind of people they truly are. It just shows what extreme measures we will go for our boys :)
Well, I had already owned the book, just had never gotten around to reading it. Fortunately, I finished the first two books rather quickly and started this one. I do admit to reading the back cover and judging a book through that, and after reading the back, this book sounded extremely worth reading.
Grace Booth -Timmons
I recently started reading this book and have found it to be very interesting. I stopped reading my previous ABE book and noticed this novel in my house. I don't think I relate to Cammie at all. First of all, I dont go to a spy school and my mom doesn't run one. Secondly, I am trying to learn spanish and I would not be able to speak 14 languages! If I were to compare myself to anyone in the book, it would probably be with a student who goes to school with Josh.
Comparing my daily experiences, to a teenage spy’s daily routine almost seems depressing. My life is pretty much as average as it can get in comparison to Cammie Morgan’s. Cammie is covertly learning the ins and outs of the spy business until she meets a normal boy named Josh. She goes to a mysterious school, where she goes through abnormal classes. Whereas I go to a local public school and the community gratefully embraces the normal traditions. Besides the fact the Cammie is a spy trying to keep up her identity hidden, she also can speak 14 different languages, is capable of killing another human being, is learning to be a convenient liar and her mother is a headmistress/former CIA agent. The fact that our schools and class work can’t be fairly compared, just gives me less to connect to. Cammie was also forced to keep a large secret away from someone she cared deeply about. The thought of not being able to show something to someone that you love freaks me out entirely. Cammie tied to protect Josh but I don’t think I could ever hide something so constant and influencing. She is forced to lie about her life in attempts to seem normal and in some way I think everybody can relate to what she does. Her life is so unusual that by lying, she can have and create somewhat better life. Secretly, everybody wants something better than what they already have, so anyone can compare themselves to Cammie’s attempt to fit in.
1.I picked this book because I needed a book that would entertain me. It's about a teenage spy. It's completely unrealistic and fiction. But i think that would keep me going, because unrealistic stories can be more captivating and interesting than real ones.
#2: I think i can relate to Cammie in this book. I can connect to her character well since our personalities are so much alike. As I was reading this book, I realize many of Cammie's actions, choices, and thoughts are similar to mine!Like Cammie,I can be shy and outgoing at the same time. Also, Cammie and I both put our family and friends as our top priority. Both of us can be extremely indecisive and sometimes clueless about the world. Therefore, We both need our friends to guide us and help us throughout difficult situations. Cammie's friends kinda reminded me of my own friends.Like Cammie, I also have two best friends who always help me out when i'm in trouble. The only thing we don't have in common is that Cammie is a spy and i'm just a normal girl. But i can relate to her character well since our personalities are so much alike and we would make similar decisions during certain situations.
#3 I definitely think this book should be on the Abe's book list this year. This book contains both depth and entertainment. Except for the spy-related materials, I think the main problems of this book is realistic and teenagers could easily relate to them. This book shows the importance of being true to your self, and setting your priorities and morals right. And especially in a hectic teenage life, i think it's important to learn to balance your academic and social life. And this book points out those aspects well.
The characters in this book really don't relate to me at all. First off, i'm not a spy who goes to an academy for all girl spies. Which is the main point of the story and key concept. Also, i couldn't lie about my identity to everyone and keep all my secrets to myself. In the book the main character, Cammie, knows fourteen different languages, how to kill a man, and is very well educated. Which brings me to say how i do not relate to her in any way. The fact that i wasn't like the characters in the book made it more interesting i feel because i got to see through someone else's eyes and point of view besides mine.
Although i liked this book, i don't think it deserves the abe award. The book was not an award winning book to me and while i was reading it nothing popped out at me that made the book really good. It was a really cool book with interesting spy stuff and technology but the story was not that great. The story was more about Josh and Cammie and their relationship with her being a spy and he not knowing. They tried to make it as interesting as it could be. For me it doesn't seem to fit the requirements of the abe list but it was a good book overall. I think that it was a different kind of book and interesting learning about spies lives but didn't really have enough spy action that readers look for in a book like that.
I liked this book because of the fact that it was different then a lot of books that i read. I didn't really know what it was going to be about before i started reading it which made it even more interesting. It was really cool to know about spies and how they have to learn different languages and ways to kill people. It was nothing at all like my life which was cool to see someone elses life. I didn't love this book and sometimes i couldn't put it down but sometimes i could. I liked all the spy stuff but i would have liked if there was more action and adventure incorporated in it. I would recommend this book to girls who want to read about something different for a change and a fun read.
grace booth- Timmons
I finished this book a few days ago and after reading it, I decided I didn't like it. While I was sitting at the tabe reading, my 6th grade sister came up to me and told me she has already read my book a couple of months ago. This made me think that the book was too juvenile and kids near her age group should be reading this book over people in my age group. Ally Carter wrote the book well, but I personally didn't like it.
I originally picked this book because I was drawn to the fact that it was about spies. I thought that it would be a fast passed book that I would quickly get into. The book seemed easy enough to follow and I a page turned. It was also a topic that I was interested into so I knew that it would keep my attention I found that often the book could a be a little unrealistic it still had a good plot even though it seemed shallow at some parts.
I found that it was relatively easy to relate with Cammie because she just came off as a regular girl. The author portrays her in a way that almost any girl can relate to because of that the issues that she faces thought out the book in her personal life can semi relate to any girl. Even though throughout the book there a extreme situations it is always shown that he isn’t always sure of the right thing to do and is always looking for advice and help from her mom which is a common thing among any teenage girl.
Although the book was a quick read and generally interesting I do not think it was worthy of being on the Abe’s list. I thought that the book did not really have that much substance to in and lacked a deeper meaning then want it intended to portray. The book does not stand out to me for having been a difference or a substantial impact on how I look at situations. I think that in order for a book to be on the Abe’s list it needs to be prominent in your mind that you learned something or gain a greater understanding.
I chose this book from the Abe list because of the title. My mom always say things like if i told you then ill have to kill you. So when i saw this title it made me interested and wanting to read this book.
Jackie Gutman
English 3: Saunders
period 1
I believe that i do relate to Cammie. Well i am not a spy the things that she does reminds me of myself. I am always looking for adventures and new places to go or find. So when she takes on the ultimate assignment to protect her sisterhood, i thought to myself that it would be so cool to be in her position. After reading this book, i can so see myself being just like Cammie.
Jackie Gutman
English 3: Saunders
Period 1
I believe that this book was put on the Abe list because of how the book was written. Although it is a fiction book, the way the author describes the characters and their actions, really makes the reader feel like they are actually the character. The author wrote the character as a strong and self-dependent female which is what most females would aspire to be. The way the author describes the character leads me to believe that this is the reason why this book made the Abe list.
Jackie Gutman
English 3: Saunders
Period 1
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