Keir Sarafian may not know much, but he knows himself. And the one thing he knows about himself is that he is a good guy. A guy who's a devoted son and brother, a loyal friend, and a reliable teammate. And maybe most important of all, a guy who understands that when a girl says no, she means it.
But that is not what Gigi Boudakian, childhood friend and Keir's lifelong love, says he is. What Gigi says he is seems impossible to Keir....It is something inexcusable -- the worst thing he can imagine, the very opposite of everything he wants to be.
As Keir recalls the events leading up to his fateful night with Gigi, he realizes that the way things look are definitely not the way they really are -- and that it may be all too easy for a good guy to do something terribly wrong.
I chose the book Inexcusable because when it was first explained to me it caught my attention. The summary made me start to think what this horrible mistake could be, and what makes the main character, Keir, not a good guy. I also started to read the book, and i am wondering what could be worse then the football game where he crippled the receiver. I feel that this book is going to be very interesting and overall a great story.
I really liked this book. I thought it was one of those books that could be read, and should be read by any highschooler. I felt that I could relate myself to the main character Keir in the story. He tells himself constantly that he is a good guy because he more so than not always does the right thing. But when he "rapes" his bestfriend/biggest crush, "Gigi Boudakian" on prom night at his sister, Frans' college, he has to confess to himself that does not compromise with him being a nice guy. This relates to me because I feel that once in a while I will catch myself doing something morally wrong, but yet I sometimes let it slide and say , " in the long run I'm not that kind of person." Overall this book was a fast paced read, and it was really entertaining!
I picked this book because i thought the cover looked really interesting and when the librarian was explaining it to the class it caught my attention. By reading the first couple chapters i feel this book is real and the same things could happen to anyone in high school. When i read this book i feel like i am in it and reading everyones mind in each senario. It has been a really good book so far.
I chose this book, Inexcusable by Chris Lynch because the librarian told me that it would be a very good read. I thought that this book would be interesting because it is about a senior athlete in high school and i am approaching that age too. The main character also plays soccer and hangs out with soccer players so i though that i could kind of relate to because i play soccer. I've gotten to the part when things start getting bad with Gigi so I'm really into this book and i am anticipating what will happen next.
I chose this book from the abe list because the librarian who explained it really got me interested in the plot. He also said this was a book that was a fast read, and that he would recommend to every highschool student.
I relate to the character Keir in my book because we are both pretty good people who sometimes will reason being a good person while doing something we know is not right.
I chose this book because it sounded like a good read. The plot was realistic to high school students and it sounded like it had a big twist that would keep me interested. When the librarian was explaining it to us, they highly recommended it and that made me more interested in it than other books.
I chose this book because from the description on the back and the summary by the librarian it seemed like a good book. The title, "Inexcusable" also added an element of mystery to it, which made me wonder, "What could be inexcusable". I could also tell from the back of the book that it was going to be very interesting and engaging of the reader. So far, it has been very interesting and has kept my attention.
I decided to chose Inexcusable because not only did it appeal to my interest but it also grabbed my attention quickly just from reading the back of the cover. I really enjoy books that I can relate to and the fact that it takes place during the last years of high school made it much more interesting. So far, I believe this book is really mind-bottling and gives a good perception of what it is like to be a high school victim under more severe circumstances.
The authors highly regarded the book Inexcusable written by Chris Lynch and since Mr. Laffy so eagerly recommended it, I was interested to find out why. The perspective of the story coming from an average teen who made a grave mistake caught my attention because I thought it might have some advice to offer to me. High school is a very turbulent time, where most students highly regard themselves as good people. However; perhaps by reading this students story, fictional as it may be, of hurtful mistakes despite being a nice guy,it would help me recognize my own unseen mistakes.
Although I can relate with the main character of how many high school students believe themselves to be good people, the character is almost unwilling to admit when he commits a fault. In this aspect, the narrator differs from me because I usually am capable of recognizing my faults and understanding the harm in them. However, Keir, the main character, always attempts to convince the audience that its not his fault or he shouldn't be punished because he is a nice guy with good intentions. I have come to realize that no matter who you are, you always can make mistakes and the important thing is to learn from them, instead of rationalizing like Keir.
As the book's plot drew to a close, I thought the book captured very well the rough transition from adolescence to adulthood. The reading was enjoyable because the author portrayed the teenage transition in ways that most other teenagers are capable of relating to. Keir, who had thought of himself as a good guy and had a deep sense of connection with this family, begins to follow the crowd in search of that commonly sought after feeling of acceptance that most teenagers desperately desire. This leads the Keir to act with the crowd and participate in poor choices such as vandalizing and even taking drugs. However; all the time Keir is still trying to convince himself and others that he is the same nice guys as before. Probably the worst realization he comes to, is that of love and family. Keir views his family as perfect and united, but soon comes to recognize their faults, such as his sisters not coming to his graduation and lying about it. Recognizing the truth about love was probably the hardest because he had always loved Gigi, but after his poor mistake, he finally had to realize that Gigi never loved him back. These real life messages made Inexcusable and exceptional read.
i think that i do relate to the main character Keir in a couple ways, but some ways we do not. Keir likes to play soccer, which is my favorite sport. We both enjoy watching football and playing bored games with our family. He also likes to spend time with his friends and family which i do a lot. But there are some things that we do not have in common like doing bad things for example ecstacy and problem with Gigi
Steven Gianakas Saunders p.1
I believe this book was worth being on the Abe list. It was very interesting and there was never a boring moment. It was easy to understand and was pretty hard to put down especially during the good parts. The main character Keir is very easy to relate to for anybody because he has normal problems like all of us. This book was very easy to understand and the storyline was great with all his problems. I really liked Keir’s dad because he was pretty funny and he had a different perspective than most parents would have on these situations.
Steven Gianakas Saunders p.1
I felt that while reading this book i could somewhat relate myself to the main character Keir. Me and him both have trouble admitting when we do something wrong. Whether it is something small, or a large fault we have made, we both pretend it did not happen and make ourselves appear like a good person. But, if i did something as bad as Keir, im not sure how long i could tell myself i was still a good person. I believe that eventually i would realize what i did and see myself as nolonger a good person.
Overall I do think this book was worthy of being on this years Abe list. It was an interesting book that had great characters and a good plot. While reading this book, i was first confused with the way it was set up. It seemed to be going back and forth between two different times and it took me awhile to catch on. Besides that, once i got into the story i found it very exciting and also kind of a sad story. The fact that two bestfriends went through this situation is hard for me to understand, but it helped me learn a lot more about highschool life and different problems that occur.
I chose this book becaus eMr. Laffey first began speaking about it, he told us that every high school student should read this before graduation. Also as he began to explain it, I became very intrigued by all that was explained. I read the synopsis myself, and I felt that it was one of those books where we can all relate to, as everyone goes through high school and knows what can stir up. In addition, I am a fan of the show Law and Order: SVU, and this book sounds just like like what could happen in an episode.
I picked this book because right away, when it was described to me, it caught my attention. I wanted to know about this football player who did something so bad, it made him appear to be a bad guy. At first it didn't really seem like he was a bad guy but he just had an accident which cause him to appear that way. But when the accident was described to me I decided i wanted to read more to figure out why Keir was actually a bad guy.
I chose this particular book from the Abe list not only for it's short length but because it was the most intriguing out of the list. The story follows a story of a high school relationship, because I am in high school I think that's why it attracts me so much. The way the author writes is nice as well, it's like the character is speaking to you, something that helps to keep the book interesting.
I chose this book because the librarians really hooked me when they were describing it to our class. They said it was a very controversial book and isn’t for the faint of heart. I was also drawn to this book because I like being able to connect with the characters in the books I read. I thought it would be really interesting to compare myself with how this author portrays high school students, so it was a very easy first choice for SSR for me.
When the librarian fist introduced the book inexcusable, it immediately caught my attention. The book was set up so the reader was always questioning what it was that Keir had done, that was so much worse then his previous football incident. The book wasn’t your average high school novel that so many kids pick up to read, instead it was a realistic story on a topic that isn’t often discussed among high school kids’, that should be to draw awareness on a topic that people are seldom comfortable talking about.
I chose this book because when i read the summary, it seemed really interesting and it easily caught my attention. I wanted to know what the "worst thing he can imagine" could be. Also this book seemed like a fast read and I really thought i'd enjoy reading it. After reading a few chapters, it was really interesting and I kept wanting to read on and see what happens. Over all this book I enjoy reading this book and I'm glad i picked it.
I chose this book, Inexcusable because when Mr. Laffey had explained it. When he said that you need to find out what the mistake was I needed to find out. The main character is someone that I could probably relate to, besides his mom dying and the rapes of women. I chose this book to merely find out what will happen.
I chose the book Inexcusable because the events that take place happen in a setting i can relate to, being in high school and playing a varsity sport. Also, when the librarian spoke about the plot it caught my attention more than any other books on the list. Im anxious to find out more about Kier and his story. The title inexcusable intrigued me as well because it gave me the idea there would be a twist in the plot line that would make the book very compelling.
I throughly enjoyed the book Inexcusable. I chose the book because when the librarians were describing all the different ABE award books, they noted that this particular one had very controversial and mature themes. I knew that it would be very interesting and a real step up from what I usually read. Overall, I enjoyed the type of writing Chris Lynch used because he approached the difficult themes with a tone that made them easier to handle and understand. For example, how Keir "rapes" his best friend, I thought how he dragged it out throughout much of the book made it easier to comprehend and understand. I also liked how Lynch had so much insight into the mind of a high-school student, he hit the nail on the head when going through the graduation stage on a seniors life, and all the thoughts running through their mind. All in all, I very much enjoyed the book and would recommend it to anyone looking for something more serious and mature to read.
I choose to read this book because I thought it would be something easy for me to relate to. The main character, Keir, and I are both about the same age and going through similar situations in high school. Also the way Keir views himself, as a good and decent man, is very similar to how like to view myself. I am therefore very interested in finding out what could have gone so wrong in his life.
I chose this book because Mr. Laffey really expressed this book in a way that it just really caught my eye. Although I knew there was going to be adult content I really thought this book would be really stimulating with all the hardships going on. Also I am really interested about Keir's experiences with football and how he gets through his problems in highschool. But what really caught my eyes is how can Keir get over paralyzing a kid playing football. Most people would not be able to take this of their mind. All in all I think this book will have a lot of enthralling components to it that will keep me reading.
I choose this book because the cover had a very interesting appeal to me. Also, the librarians really recommended it to us and said that it’s racy and I felt I needed to check it out. I also choose it because I felt I could relate to main character Keir. He’s experiencing similar situations that I’m experiencing right now. I feel this book will really hook me and if it doesn’t it’s a short read which isn’t bad.
Inexcusable is one of theose books that really anyone can relate to. Keir is caught in such a bind that he does not know what to do. He is a very genuine and thoughtful person in which one mistake pretty much ruins his life. I can realte to him very much because as a student, I do usually know right from wrong. I do make mistakes due to lack of judgement, although not as dire as his, and feel regretful for all the pain that was caused along with it. But Inexcusable takes all these sort actions and just shows how much things can escalate to.
I can't claim to relate to any characters in the book since there are only a couple things with some of the characters that I relate to. Keir doesn't seem too attached to his dad up to the point I've read, which is very much like me. He also seems to worry and care about his girlfriend Gigi, which is like me. However, Gigi seems very hormonal and dramatic which is not like me unless I forget to take my medications. Although, I don't really have a clue what happened other than vague references to rape or something of similar severity. Therefore, it could possibly be something that would cause me to become hormonal and dramatic even with medications. I'm also not like the guys that Keir was with when Keir was shooting the video with the soccer players because that is something I would never do. Overall, I only connect with some characters in only certain aspects.
When I first started reading the book, I found it difficult to relate to Keir, because up front it is clear that we do not have anything in common. While getting more in depth in the book I found that Keir and I did have similar characteristics. I have encountered questionable situations that I often feel as if I am only a by stander and that there is nothing that I can do to stop what is going on, which Keir is finds himself caught in through out the book. Also, it is commonly noted that Keir thinks of himself as a “good guy”, he finds it difficult to realize, that some of the actions that he has done clearly don’t portray him of that good-natured character. I can relate to the fact that often I find myself believing one thing, and refusing to believe what is actually the truth. I think that every high school kid can relate to Keir in one way or another, because Keir deals with common issues that a vast majority of people struggle with, whether or not they want to realize it.
I relate to the main character Keir in this book, because even though we both sometimes make mistakes, we are still both good people. All people make mistakes, some are worse than others but that does not make a person bad. There are many different qualities in a good person, and minor accidental mistakes are part of life.
In this book, the only character to relate to was Keir. He is a high school student who goes through hardships in his social life just like most teenagers. When he accidentally injures the other kid in the football game, I could connect with that because I’ve been on both sides of that situation with my friends. It can be tough to handle and really awkward, so it was cool to be able to relate to Keir in that way. Keir also encounters a lot of peer pressure in high school. For example, when he goes to the party, all the guys pressure him to do drugs. Peer pressure can be found in any high school, and everyone has been involved at some point, so I liked being able to relate to Keir’s experiences in that way too.
I feel that I can't relate to Keir in this book at all because he feels no matter what he has done he is still a "good guy". If i make a mistake, that hurts others or is just a bad choice I will realized it and fix this problem. On the other all the problems that Keir causes, they don't even phase him. Even though I do go through obstacles in life like Keir I like to confront them instead of walking around them. I believe Keir is just too scared to actually accept who he actually is.
I can relate to Keir in some ways, but for the most part we live very different lives. Yes, we are both high school students and play sports, but I think that Keir's lifestyle is very much different from mine. First of all, he gets belligerently drunk when he goes out with his friends. He has even drank so much that he couldn't remember the night before and all the bad things he'd done. This is completely unlike me. Also, he raped a girl. Obviously this is very different from me, but also the fact that he won't accept it and can't admit to it is unlike me. I am usually someone who can take responsibility for my actions and that's something I take pride in. So yes, I am a high schooler and an athlete like Kier, but that's about all we share in common.
I feel that I can relate to Keir's life in ways just not to his specific situations. He has older supportive sisters like I do and is obviously close to my age/ grade. On top of this we are both Atheltes. However, Keir talks about how he thinks of himself as a "good guy" and trys to justify himself many times by describing himself and asking "does that sound like a monster?". On one hand I can relate to this self rationalization and im sure many people try to convince them selves they are making good decisions. How ever while I know many people like myself tend to rationalize things, the probably dont to the extent that Keir has so far as he seems almost obsessed with convincing himself he is "not a monster"
It was very hard to relate to the main character of the novel, kier, because we have almost nothing in common, except maybe our ages. Because we have simmilar ages i can imagine we encounter simmilar situations. I also notice how kier has come to terms with a bad thing that he does, yet he does not feel it makes him a bad person. It seems that he is almost in denial.
Right from the very beginning of reading this book I could tell that I was going to be able to easily relate to the main character, Keir. Keir and I both have very similar conceptions of ourselves because we both like to think of ourselves as “good guys.” We get along with everybody, do not get into fights, and have a strong family life. Keir and I can also relate in our relationships with our fathers. Keir thinks of his Dad as more than a parent, but a friend. He is somebody Keir can turn to when he needs help and his Dad is always there for him. My dad and I share a similar relationship because, similar to Keir and his Dad, we both get along very well and are pretty laid back. I also find myself in a lot of similar situations that Keir is in. Feeling lost or confused and in many cases, helpless. I hope that by reading this book I will be able to learn more about myself.
I believe that I relate to the characters in Inexcusable in some ways. The main character Kier is a senor football player. We are similar in age and we both play football. But I had never crippled a person in my football career. I relate to Kier mostly in the novel, but I do see similarities between his dad and my own. He has older siblings which is not relevant to me, but they are sisters and I do have a younger sister. There are some things that I don't have in common with Kier. The force of using girls to get with them does not relate to me.
I Relate to the main character Keir because where are both nice people and do most of the right things in our lives. But sometimes we do the wrongs things even though we know what we are doing is wrong.
I relate to the main character in my book Keir where are both pretty good people, but sometimes when we are in the wrong situation we make the wrong decision.
I believe i relate to some characters in the book because alike Keir i at times think that just because i did something wrong its means its okay because i feel i am a good person, however i know that that is not true. Just because you are a good person does not mean that your wrongdoings are okay.
I feel that I can't really relate to Keir as a character because Keir justifies himself as a "good guy" and he's in denial from what he has done in this book. Also he makes a mistake that changes the course of his whole life, and instead of trying to fix it and make it better, he doesn't to do anything. But I can relate to him because I have older siblings that always help me through my problems and are always there for me just like how Keir has older siblings as well. I feel that if i made a mistake as bad as what Keir did, I would try much harder to make it better or make it go away.
In the book Inexcusable I feel that I can relate to Keir is some aspects. I can relate to him in the way that when we do something wrong, we don't always think it's wrong. For example, when Keir was hazing the soccer team with his football friends, and then saw the video later and said their is no way I did that, I feel like I can relate to that. I feel as though when I do something wrong, I put blame on everyone else but myself and that is what Keir does throughout the entire book. On another level, I think I can relate to Keir in the sense that we both want to be good people and achieve great things. Through the course of the book, Keir is always explaining and defending himself, saying he is going to make big, and how he's such a great guy and I think I do that a little to much like Keir. All in all, I think that Keir is a ver relatable character because he goes through and experiences the same problems all of us high-schoolers do.
When I first started reading the book I was skeptical on whether or not the book deserved to be on the Abe list. But after getting into the book I realized that it was written differently, the way the Lynch portrays Keir through out the book is captivating. The way the book is written grabs your attention because you literally get the raw side of the story. It was interesting hearing Keir’s side of the story and then finding out in the end what actually happen. It makes you realize that often people can convince themselves what they want to believe rather then the actual truth. The perspective that the story is told in is notable and makes an impact on the reader. The issues in the book are often issues that most high school students tend to overlook or ignore. I think that book shows students that while these issues can be overlooked they still do happen whether or not people want to accept them. I think the book is an insightful book that high school students should read and that it was worthy of being on the Abe’s list.
"Inexcusable" definitely deserves to be on the Abe List because it is a book that all High School students should read. The whole plot was really realistic, and although some parts were really cheesy, incidents like this happen all the time. By reading this book, I think it can save some high school students from making the same mistakes Kier did. Over all, this book is very well written, and undoubtedly deserves its spot on this list.
Yes i do think it as worthy of being on the Abe list. This was a great book that always made me want to keep reading. It was a fast read and very interesting. IT left me wanting a sequel even though there is no possible way they could continue the story. This story was easy to relate to and had many suprises. It is proably one of the better books on the Abe list, and definately deserves to be on it.
This book was definitely worthy of being on this year’s Abe List. The Abe List is all about picking books that are best suited and more interesting to teenagers, which fits “Inexcusable” perfectly. The book is all about a high school guy who goes through some rough times that almost any teen can relate to, which makes it an easy read that also hits home a little bit. Also, “Inexcusable” is full of controversy, which really makes the book hard to put down for any high school student. I haven’t read many of the other books on the list, but I can already tell that “Inexcusable” is one of the best books up there.
I believe Inexcusable should be on the Abe Award listr for 2010 because it was the type of book where you just wanted to find out what happened next every page, and you just could not put down. With all the excitement of Keir being all over the place about paralyzing a kid during football, date rape, destroying the paul revere statue,and hazing the highschool soccer team, you just cannot let go of the book. Keir's adventures really makes you think twice about him saying he is a "good guy" because a good guy would not make these many mistakes over one year. This is what is interesting of how he deals with things, and throughout the book I enjoyed figuring out what actually happens at the end. I could have read this book in one sitting. It is a must read book because it shows a boy who is blind walking into manhood and it is very entertaining.
So far, I don't think this book is worthy of the Abe List Award. Because the author tries to narrate the book as if he is speaking to you there are many parts in the book that are confusing and hard to follow. I also just do not really care what is going on with Keir and Gigi at this point in the book. This is most likely caused by my lack of knowledge on character relationships due to the author's confusing writing style. Meanings that would be understood in conversation between people because of voice inflections and expressions are lost in this book as the author tries to convey the same meanings with the same words that would be spoken, causing it to be lost in translation.
The book Inexcusable was a fantastic novel and belongs were it is on the Abe awards list. The book, told in first person from the point of view of the main character Keir who is being accused of date rape. It was well written as it takes on aa great perspective of how a igh schooler might live. Some kids have serious problems in their home life and in their personal life. I also like how the author built up to the inexcusible act at the end of the novel. Chris Lynch did a great job writing this book and I expect to see a few more of his novels on the Abe list in years to come.
This book, I believe, was very good. And was worth reading because I really enjoyed reading it. Also I thought that this book could relate to almost anyone, which is why I think that it was on the Abe list. The book as you read went by really quickly. It really is a page turning book because as you read you really have to keep turing the pages just to find out what is going to happen. Overall, I believe that this book is worthy of the Abe list award.
I think this book is worthy of being on this year’s Abe List. The point of Abe List is to provide books to high school students that are easy to relate to and continually interesting to them throughout the book. I thought that this book did both exceptionally well. The main character, Keir, is about my age and goes through many situations that kids my age can relate to, either by having experienced such things themselves or hearing about them around school. In this sense the book is great for providing incite on what to do or not to do in such situations. The book also did a great job in teaching a valuable lesson. It is important to remember that what might seem good and acceptable to you does not hold true for all people, and one must respect other people’s opinions. This is something that everybody, young and old, needs to remember and because the book does such a great and powerful job at teaching this lesson, I believe it deserves it’s spot on the Abe List.
I picked this book because it looked interesting, but i was throughly disapointed. There was no real plot and the ending was stupid, the places were it could have got my interest werent detailed enough to enjoy it was to fastpaced for my likeing this isnt a book i would recommend.
I chose to read Inexcusable because I was extremely interested about what the main character, Keir, did. The librarians highly recommended it and I was extremely intrigued.
I do not think I relate to any of the characters, especially the main character, Keir. He constantly reminds himself that he is a good person, yet he continually makes horrible decisions that lead to negative consequences. He hides behind the image of himself in order to not be vulnerable to what he does. This is the opposite of me. I believe every decision will have consequences and I think rationally about certain situations. Also, I do not need to constantly remind myself I am a good person, because I know I am, and if I ever feel that slipping away, I recognize it and adjust accordingly.
I thought this book was pretty good. At the end, it made the reader really think about what happened and if Keir actually did what he was accused of. I also did and didn't like the main character. I couldn't determine if he was actually good, or if he was an unreliable and immoral person. To conclude, I think this book does deserve to be on the Abe awards list because of the fact that it makes the reader really think.
Mark Malkoski/ Saunders 1
I Find it easy to relate to the characters in the book becuase they illustrate normal lives with normal feelings. The main character in this book is one of the more easier characters to relate with. He tends to never look back on something he does and states "I am a good guy", in many situations where others would think otherwise. I can relate to this becuase peopole get caught up in doing something good too the point where they forget what bad is all the time. Sometimes I must catch myself and prevent my self from thinking I am a good guy becuase like the main character in this book it could turn for the worse.
Mark Malkoski / Saunders 1
Inexcussable was an okay book with good morals and values. The message in the book is something teenagers deal with daily however the book may not have been a good enough choice. I have read many other books which were more powerful or more intense than this book, which in my opinion I believe they are more worthy of this award. Some teenagers might argue this is the best book they have read. However how can one truly establish a claim such as this with only having read at most 20 mature or young adult books. The fact is the Abe Award book list is based on teens opinions where as many teens don’t read unless they are forced to read the book in English class. Therefore for that reason I believe the list is flawed. Also the book was very boring and bland throughout the majority of the book. At many times I asked myself why am I reading this childish book. My argument is simple this book is too simple, too bland, and the peers do not have enough information too choose a good book. All in all this book is not worthy of being an abe award book.
I chose to read Inexcusable beacuse it grabbed my attention just by reading the summary of the book. I wanted to find out the terrible mistake that Keir had made. If he was a truly good guy then what could he have done that was so bad? Also, people had told me to read this book and recommended it to me.
In some ways i do relate to the characters in the book because i too play sports and i'm in high school. But i'm not a senior guy who plays soccer. So it was interesting to read the book from a guys perspective rather then a girls. Some of his average problems i could relate to or know how they feel but there wasn't really that much in common with me and the main character.
I decided to read this book for multiple reasons. The librarians all said that this was an enjoyable and yet quick read. I felt that as a high school student I could relate to the situations in the book. I also wanted a shorter book that I could read in the course one short flight over break.
I do find myself relating to Keir in some ways, but I find myself to be more different than similar. I am also I a high school athlete with an older sister in college. Sometimes I tell myself I am doing the right thing when I know I’m not. I differ with Keir in the way that he doesn’t’ feel sorry and that he has himself convinced that all he does is good, and unlike him I realize that obsessing over another person can only lead a person down the wrong path
I don’t think this book is worthy of being on the Abe list. The book was not challenging enough, having finished all 165 pages in less than 1 ½ hours. I also didn’t like the way the whole story was built up around a young high school student that ends up being a rapist, although I understand that some people may like books with that element of surprise. The book ended too abruptly, and seemed to leave a lot of things unexplained. To be honest the only thing this book does have going for it is the way it flashes between the conversation between Keir and Gigi, to the events of the past.
I did enjoy this book in its storyline and ability to switch between the past and the present. However, the story was too short and the author didn’t do a good job describing the characters and places in the book. The author did a good job of understanding the life and events of a typical high school student which does make it more realistic and better to read.
The book Inexcusable defiantly deserves to be on the abe list. It is interesting to read, has a good story line, and most of situations in this book are true in real life. Since i am a teenager i was able to relate to some of the things going on which made it a more enjoyable read for me. I felt really connected to the characters in the book, and it was sad to see such good friends split up because of a big incident. This book is good for anyone to read because it shows different points of view on a situation, has social matters at school, and even family strengths and dificulties
I think this book deserves to be on the ABE list for many reasons. First of all, it is relatable to many high school students. It discusses school, sports, and social relationships. Also, it has an interesting plot. It presents a very emotional and serious conflict for the main character. It really makes the reader think about what they would do if they were put in this awful situation and how they would handle themselves. Overall, this book deserves its spot on the ABE list because it's a good book for high schoolers to read.
I do believe that the book, Inexusable, was worthy of the ABE books list because it is a story that I feel many students and teenagers can relate to and it grabs their attention easily. Although, towards the begining of the novel I felt a little bit confused because they didnt exactly get into the story right away, which in a way makes it better because it makes you want to keep going. But more or less, Inexcuseable was a great novel and i reccomend it to any high school student/teenager.
Jack Allen- Timmons- first period
Inexcusable was very worthy of the Abe book award list. In the begging the book was very confusing when the book would go back and forth. But it was a good read and it was an interesting read. It was interesting because it can relate to teens in high school and the struggles that teens go through. That is what makes it a good Abe book, it appeals to teens and it suited for kids our age. That is why its worthy.
Although this book was o.k. to read i do not believe it deserves to be on the ABE books list. Although it did have a original and interesting plot it was far to drawn out and there were not enough details to support it. At times i felt something that could have been said in a few sentences was drawn out over multiple pages and elaborated with useless details that made me lose interest easily. To be on the ABE list a book should be enjoyable to read, but at times i just wanted to put this down and find something else. I also dont like how the whole plot is built around this one mysterious character and then at the end it collapses. Although many teens might enjoy this book i dont feel alot of people can relate to it because even though it is about being in high school it is also about inner struggles that the character has. I had the feeling that the author was trying to have the reader feeling on the edge of their seat, but i was feeling like going to sleep. I think this book should NOT be on the ABE list, and it should NOT win the ABE award.
I chose this book because it was recommended by a friend. He told me it was a good and interesting book with an exciting climax. So i listened and got the book and just kept reading. I think that i don't relate to anyone in particular but i want those qualities that Kier wants. Being good at everything would be great. I do not think this was an amazing book so i would take it off the Abe list temporarily and if there is not a good enough substitution then put it back in the Abe list. There were a lot of great parts, especially when the whole "rape" ordeal goes down with his best friend and crush. That was "Inexcusable." (Included 1, 2, and 3)
1. I chose this book because something about it just interested me. The title for starters made me want to pick it up nd start reading it cause i wanted to know what it was about.
2. I would say that i somewhat relate to Keir. We are both athletes that work hard. he is also a laid back easy-going guy who likes to eat alot. That is pretty much me in a nutshell.
3. This was a good book that kept me reading. it 100% deserves to be on the abe list because it is a great book for teens to relate to and it is quick and easy to read.
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